
What Is The Best Camera For Stop Motion

best cameras for stop motion

If you are getting interested in stop motion photographs yous are in the right identify since today we will discuss the cameras that would make a perfect fit for that kind of photography, or video. Stop motility is a very popular technique in cinematography, and if you don't already know it consists of taking photographs in dissimilar fourth dimension intervals, and in between shots you suit the subject field.

It is pretty fun and albeit pretty old you won't observe a lot of cameras out there that can reach this photography, merely with a bit of search and involvement, you can find yourself the perfect stop motion photographic camera for your needs. At present without farther ado, let's get into it.

Image Product Rating Toll

Best For Low-Low-cal

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EOS 5D Marker IV


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All-time For Outdoors

Nikon D810
Nikon D810


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Best For Beginners

Sony Alpha a6000
Sony Alpha a6000

nine.half dozen

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Best For The Money

Nikon D3300
Nikon D3300


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Best For Computers

Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920


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The v Best Cease Motion Cameras

5. Logitech Hd Pro Webcam C920

Nosotros are going to kick off this list with a pretty interesting webcam coming in from Logitech, the Hard disk Pro Webcam C920. If y'all don't want to invest in a DSLR or Mirrorless photographic camera for professional stop motility, you can get a webcam to do some basic end-motility. This photographic camera is excellent at taking both clear photos and videos, making everything pretty pleasant and combined with the right frame grabber software you will exist able to accomplish excellent stop movement photography.

Now allow'due south talk about this camera in detail. This animal has a pretty interesting blueprint, which isn't the most interesting or the almost attractive but it volition go the job done. It is a picayune chunky merely y'all can sacrifice that since it has a 1080p camera in information technology. It also has a pretty good arm that attaches to your monitor or laptop like a claw and information technology won't movement at all. The 6-foot USB cord merely makes things improve than ever here.

For those that use laptop webcams or those cheap models for Skyping or any other purpose, I think that after trying the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 you won't go back to them. Information technology is impossible to practise and so since this one delivers a bang-up 5 MP images with tons of clarity particular and light even in depression calorie-free conditions. The field of view is pretty practiced as well and gives the right software you tin become some great results. However, I should mention that the Logitech Webcam Software is a bit buggy.

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4. Nikon D3300

Next upwardly nosotros have one of the most affordable DSLR cameras in the market, that might exist a chip erstwhile just nonetheless has some game in it, the Nikon D3300. This camera has been one of the favorite entry-level DSLRs for a long fourth dimension now since information technology has all the desirable qualities including a nifty sensor, easy to use controls and tons of value for its budget price. Also, information technology will deliver you a keen stop motion experience, on top of everything else.

This camera has a polycarbonate structure that is super lightweight especially for a DSLR camera, weighing in at just 460 grams with the battery and retentiveness menu in information technology. It is too pretty modest making it pretty piece of cake to concord. The controls are not very extensive but volition be an first-class selection for those that are not familiar with DSLRs assuasive you to become the hang of things.

The autofocus system might be a bit dated only for cease motion photography it is better than expected. The Nikon D3300 has the and so-chosen Guide way that will take you through the nuts of photography and teach you things you need. Moving on it has a DX-format 24.2MP APS-C sensor that combines very well with the Expeed iv processor and delivers a pleasant photography feel. With its 700 shot battery life, you volition take a great end motion photography experience without a incertitude.

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3. Sony Alpha a6000

Moving up on our list I have 1 of my favorite cameras in the marketplace, the Sony Alpha a6000. I am not just biased with this photographic camera, as it delivers everything that you may demand from a camera at a pretty affordable toll. It is packed with a great sensor, meaty body, amazing autofocus functioning, tons of creative liberty in terms of controls and great depression calorie-free performance, what's not to similar.

The Sony Alpha a6000 was released to supplant the NEX-six which was likewise an first-class mirrorless photographic camera, but this one, even later on all those years has everything you need course a camera. For example, information technology is extremely lightweight, while however being pretty robust and sturdy. Information technology tin can be used i-handed provided y'all combine information technology with an acceptable lens. The controls are pretty much perfect and will allow you to become the best settings for your photographs.

This photographic camera is packed with a pretty excellent 24MP APS-C CMOS sensor that is present in nigh DSLRs of Sony'due south lineup. Information technology also combines the features of the Bionz X image processor to evangelize beautifully detailed photographs. The low lite operation was pretty good, especially for a mirrorless model at that toll indicate. To conclude I would like to mention the 179 point phase-discover autofocus system that is pretty amazing.

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two. Nikon D810

The runner upwardly in this list is none other than the Nikon D810. This camera is pretty much astonishing when you lot call up nigh it as it has all the features that fifty-fifty a professional photographer would exist satisfied with. IT has a smashing full-frame sensor that has proven itself, a great item resolution, speedy performance, autofocus, and then much more. Since this photographic camera has a while since information technology has been released it comes at a pretty affordable price that delivers and so much value.

If you lot take been a user of Nikon cameras for some fourth dimension, you will detect yourself right at home with this one. Since it has the familiar body shape and control layout, well information technology has some differences that make it more appropriate for enthusiast photographers. It is pretty pleasant to hold in the hand since information technology has a great hand grip that combines with the thumb grip on the back to deliver a great ergonomic functioning. Creative freedom is enhanced with a big number of controls and you will have plenty of fun with information technology.

Coming to its biggest selling point the Nikon D810 is packed with a 36.3MP full-frame CMOS sensor that lacks an anti-aliasing filter for better detail resolution. The ISO range is also amazing and information technology delivers perfect functioning in depression low-cal scenarios. Moving on the 51 signal autofocus system will exist very handy and considering the v frames per second burst shooting way at a full resolution this is pretty much perfect.

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1. Catechism EOS 5D Marking Iv

On top of the list, we accept none other than the Catechism EOS 5D Mark IV. This photographic camera is also i of the most pop ones with those that are serious with end movement photography since it is excellent. Not for just stop shooting, but all-around it is pretty much one of the all-time cameras in the market, let's bank check it out.

The Catechism EOS 5D Mark 4 is a professional level camera built from magnesium blend and polycarbonate. However, information technology weighs just 800 grams in total and combined with its excellent ergonomics, handgrip and pollex grip information technology is extremely piece of cake to use and agree. Without forgetting I should land that information technology is dust and conditions-sealed. The controls may exist a little confusing but cipher that you can't manage, especially if you have some experience with cameras.

For autofocus, it has a 61 point autofocus organisation with the dissimilarity-detect sensor. 41 of those points are super accurate and responsive cross-blazon points and the Dual Pixel CMOS AF in live view will come in handy for terminate motion. It is equipped with the powerful 30.4MP CMOS full-frame sensor that works rather well and with the 4K frame grab information technology volition deliver you the best cease motion operation.

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Things You Should Know Before Buying a Stop Motion Camera

There are several things you lot have to cheque out when y'all are ownership a camera for stop movement photography. They are non complicated and most of the cameras in the market accept them, just still, information technology is improve to bank check them beforehand and then you get the best results.

Camera Blazon

Several types of cameras are capable of stop motion photography and it volition mostly depend on your budget and needs. Also, information technology volition depend on the versatility y'all need from the photographic camera. So let'south check them out.


If you accept limited funds and desire to just get into terminate motion photography than a webcam is your best bet. They will work excellently when you combine them with the right software. As well, they are extremely easy to piece of work with, and y'all can commencement and stop the process and fourth dimension you want. This is a choice that I recommend to beginners more often than not just not so much for those that are serious with photography or already take prior feel with dissimilar cameras. Information technology is a expert starting point as you will see what works and learn the basics until you decide to pull the trigger on the super-avant-garde camera out there. The quality won't be up at that place with some of the other types but if you are an absolute beginner I would recommend you start with a webcam, just to take things slowly merely surely and see if you are up for more advanced and more expensive models.


These take also been some popular options for people that accept them lying effectually. I should land that these cameras tin't provide end motion on their own. Then once more with good frame grabbing software on your PC, you tin get some excellent results. To be honest, y'all practise not use the camera to tape or tape anything, y'all just connect it to your PC to become a live view, and then the software does the remainder. This pick is a nice one, but most of the photographic camera isn't compatible to do so unless you have the right adapter. You might remember that it is not such a big problem but finding the right adapter, especially for older camcorders is pretty hard to do so. And then if y'all can stick inside newer models, but new ones accept the price of a proper camera so it is not justified.

DSLR and Mirrorless Systems

Most people that are serious with finish motion photography should probably purchase DSLRs or a mirrorless interchangeable lens photographic camera to deliver the best for their needs. These cameras beside that are extremely versatile and can be used for various needs, justifying their price completely. They are much improve than camcorders or webcams since you have better controls and a very beneficial propper resolution. However, I wouldn't recommend these for an absolute beginner equally they are a lilliputian hard to accomplish adequate results. But don't exist afraid as yous can get around all the difficulties with a bit of practice and patience.

Features That Are a Must for Stop Motility Photography

  • At least Hd resolution – Well, this is by and large for webcams since the other types become well across this and will deliver you plenty of quality. However, with webcams check if it has at least 720p resolution.
  • Manual focus – This is a must, autofocus may be fine for everything else, but for stop motion photography, y'all want the camera to focus exactly where yous desire and not human activity on its own accord.
  • Controls – I always say this the more control y'all have over your image the better the results, and the more personal the prototype. Sometimes you tin edit your photographs afterwards you lot have taken them, in post-production. Then again information technology is meliorate to go as good as information technology can from the source than y'all can apply the finishing touches.


In the by and professionally, finish motion content could only be created with professional and high-end terminate motion cameras. But these days nosotros tin can attain with really affordable hardware and our trusted DSLR or mirrorless cameras. Following the tips higher up y'all will get the best photographic camera for your needs, and besides don't forget checking out the meridian picks above, to get i of the best cameras for stop motion. Until adjacent time, have fun with your new camera.


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