'I vesture a necklace, cause I wanna know when I'm upside down'
Mitch Hedberg

Your life may take an unexpected turn at whatsoever moment: nothing is permanent in this globe. For instance, ane infinitesimal you are looking forrard to a nice video chat – and the side by side minute your video is upside down in Skype! Well, nosotros know this might come as a bit of a shock.

Apparently, there is always room for innovation and comeback. However, the terminal Skype update seems to accept opened a Pandora'due south box: today the app is seen every bit something of a loose cannon by its users. Therefore, if your webcam prototype is upside down in Skype, you lot take simply meet one of the multiple bug the app keeps generating these days. Fortunately, most of them are pretty fixable, and the 'upside-downward video' nuisance is not an exception.

Only check out our 5 proven tips on how to flip video in Skype:

  1. Check Skype Camera Settings
  2. Check Your Webcam Software
  3. Uninstall and Reinstall the Webcam Driver
  4. Update Your Drivers
  5. Edit the Windows Registry

At present allow'southward try them out i by i:

1. Check Skype Camera Settings

Checking Skype webcam settings is the very first thing to do if your video is upside down. The thing is, the mirroring pick might be at work.

Here is what you should do:

  1. Open your Skype -> Tools -> Options
  2. Video settings -> Advanced
  3. Search for the Image Mirror department -> If the Mirror Horizontal and Mirror Vertical options are ticked, uncheck them

If the solution above has not worked for you, do not get discouraged: but continue your chin upward and move on to the following tip.

ii. Check Your Webcam Software

If your Skype video is inverted, your webcam software might be the main culprit. Thus, check your webcam settings to run into whether your video is set to exist flipped or mirrored. Uncheck these options if they are enabled and initiate a Skype video call.

Does the 'My video is upside down' issue persist? If yes, your webcam drivers might have something to do with information technology.

3. Uninstall and Reinstall the Webcam Driver

Reportedly, uninstalling and reinstalling your webcam driver tin fix upside-down Skype video.

Here is how you can do that:

  1. Win + X -> Device Manager
  2. Imaging devices -> Right-click on your camera -> Uninstall
  3. Become to your manufacturer'due south website and download the driver for your webcam model
  4. Install the new driver on your calculator
  5. Reboot your PC

At present bank check on your webcam prototype. If it is still inverted, the fix in question might not be enough. Proceed to the following methods in order to make your video await right.

4. Update Your Drivers

Onetime drivers have nothing to do with the 'good erstwhile days' of your PC – thus, drag yourself out of nostalgia and update them right at present. The point is, such a decisive pace is very likely to rid you of the 'Skype video is upside downward' annoyance.

You are welcome to cull any of the following options:

Update your drivers manually

This method is for those who similar to be in control: search for the latest drivers for your hardware and install them one past one on your PC.

Make utilise of Device Managing director

Device Manager provides you lot with an opportunity to update your drivers automatically:

  1. Go to: Win + Ten -> Device Managing director -> Imaging devices
  2. Correct-click on your photographic camera -> Update driver

Utilize Driver Updater

Actually, all your drivers tin be effortlessly updated in one click. Auslogics Commuter Updater is gear up to testify that.


Resolve PC Problems with Commuter Updater

Unstable PC performance is often caused by outdated or decadent drivers. Auslogics Driver Updater diagnoses driver bug and lets you update old drivers all at once or one at a time to become your PC running smoother


Is your Skype video right side up now? If non, the time has come to tweak your registry.

5. Edit the Windows Registry

To bring your Skype video back to normal, you might need to alter the registry values.
Bear in mind that y'all must be extremely careful when editing your registry: 1 tiny mistake ัan mess your arrangement up and get in turbulent. Therefore, it wouldn't hurt to take some precautions.

Starting time and foremost, back up your registry:

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type 'regedit.exe' into the Run box-> Enter
  2. Registry Editor -> Select the registry keys and/or subkeys y'all wish to back up -> File > Consign -> Choose the location and the name for the backup file -> Save

Y'all can easily restore information technology later if something goes wrong:

  1. Windows logo primal + R -> Type regedit.exe into the Run box-> Enter -> Registry Editor
  2. File -> Import -> Import Registry File -> Locate the necessary fill-in file -> Open up

Creating a organisation restore point is another way to secure your PC's future:

  1. Windows logo primal + S -> Type 'restore' into the Search box -> Create a restore point
  2. System Properties -> Create -> Describe the restore betoken -> Create

You will be able to restore your Bone to an before point if things become bad:

  1. Get-go -> Command Panel -> System and Security
  2. File History
    Recovery -> Open System Restore -> Side by side

If your precious files are not backed upwards, that might lead to real trouble. Thus, nosotros strongly recommend you to
secure them against data loss by using one of the solutions below:

  • Cloud Drives (eastward.k. OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.)
  • Storage Devices (e.k. flash drives, CDs, etc.)
  • Backup Software (e.grand. Auslogics BitReplica)

Now you can perform the following registry changes:

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type 'regedit.exe' -> OK -> Registry Editor
  2. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Organization\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\\0000\\Settings primal
  3. Search for a DWORD named Flip -> Double-click on information technology -> Properties
  4. Set the value to 0 if it is i, or vice versa
  5. Click on OK to save the changes

We promise your webcam shows the world as it is now.

Practise yous have whatever ideas or questions regarding this consequence?

We are looking forwards to your comments!