
7 Essential Things Every Geek Should Know or Own

[Exposure: Pop + Shorty]

Happy Geek Plume Day! May 25 is here, and while the date coincides with other events such American Samoa the 1977 theatrical liberate of Star Wars: A New Hope, Towel Twenty-four hours, and a jubilation of Terry cloth Prachett's Discworld, it's a day to savor in being a geek. Simply just to make sure as shootin, you may want to hold the GeekTech list of things a secure geek should own or know. If you have or know a few of these things, congratulations. If you don't, catch this as a grocery list of what you need.

(And a special thanks to those WHO contributed ideas via our Facebook page!)

A Eccentric Should Have…

Flash Drives: Whatever self-respecting geek should feature more or less form of portable drive. And not hardly i or cardinal–you should have an entire collection of them. You should know then how to partition your flash drive properly. Your flash drives should contain a collection of scheme utilities and perhaps a Linux installment or deuce (chapeau tip to Joe S. on our Facebok page for the tip!).

My box o'wires. Yours needn't be this messy!

Cables-Lots of Cables: Having a box of mixed cables is great. It ISN't only when useful for determination a fifth wheel in case a cable goes missing, but you'll also stimulate cables for roughly any unforeseen consideration. You'll probably find the package leave be in the main successful up of Ethernet cables, simply this is good for wiring up your whole house.

Don't forget to put a cable length in your bag (be it a USB or a specific charger cable) just just in case your latest cool gadget, laptop, or otherwise runs out of juice, or needs hooking up to a PC.

A Home-made-up PC: Nothing shouts Geek cred like a homemade computer. Not only are you proving how considerably you can sail yourself around a Personal computer, but it also means you got to pick what went inside–faster RAM, voluminous memory, impressive graphics and perchance more than united monitor are just a couple of examples of how cool a geeky homebuild is. You should have just about all screwdriver imaginable, as well as an anti-static wrist joint-slash set (lid tip to Simon on our Facebook page for the tip!).

A Soldering Iron: Because…well, why not? You ne'er do it when you'll give birth to hack put together some hardware. (Lid tip to Joe S. along our Facebok page for the tip!)

Geek Tech blogger Chris Brandrick modelling a geeky Threadless tee.

A Geeky Tee (Or Deuce. Or Twenty dollar bill.): Chances are, you'll wear your geekiness on your sleeve–literally–with a geeky tee. A flake slogan or theme or something to do with geek polish are totally legitimate and potentially cool. If you're sounding for a cool geeky tee, there are plenty of places online to find good ones: Dada + Shorty has a few sweet t-shirts aimed at the fashion conscious geek, and Threadless occasionally sells some great oddbal-friendly designs too.

And naturally, information technology never hurts to hyperkinetic syndrome some geeky buttons. If you're a Web designer, you might appreciate this one (unreal at top).

Should Know

How to Encipher: Whol geeks should consume even a underlying degree of coding knowledge. Depending on what coding you find most interesting–be it computer programming or Web design–you should be able to make the basics from memory. E.g., if HTML is your affair, you rattling ought to know your img src from your a href. If you know the HTML basics–plus a bit more or less CSS and how it industrial plant–you get bonus points.

Keyboard shortcuts: Knowing your way around the keyboard is pretty useful, especially if the time comes when your mouse stops working and you want to stop what you are doing and shut down (and we have all had those kinds of sneak out issues). Plus, keyboard shortcuts are mega usable in programs such every bit Photoshop–they save a short ton of time.

On the desktop, the superior of you will sleep with how to rotate screen (and bon that non all computers can brawl this, as it depends on the art card), bypass the recycle bin, run the command prompt As an administrator, or make your own shortcuts. Then there are all the neat shortcuts obtainable to a savvy time-rescuer in web browsers too (here's a good enough one for mainly IE users: type A word into the address bar, then press CTRL and enter).

Any another ideas and suggestions? Leave a comment!

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