
How Many Followers On Instagram To Be Famous

Do you want to be famous on Instagram?

If so, I believe you know already what you need to attain this status. (hint: it has to do with the best place to buy Instagram followers)


And you need them in large numbers.

But how many of them exactly do you need to become Instagram famous?

A thousand followers? Five thousand? Or a Million?

Well, as much as I'd like to give you a definite number, I can't.

Because, fame comes in different levels. And Instagram is no exception!

However, I can give you a minimum threshold.

And that would be 30k followers!

Different levels of fame

The best way to imagine fame is to paint a picture of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson and another household name in the pop game Khalid.

You won't be wrong if you regard the both of them as being famous, would you?

Of course not!

However, everybody will agree that while the former is, no doubt, "a world famous personality," the latter is just a route attaining a similar status.

The difference in their levels of fame can, therefore, be linked to the total number of people that know them (followers) and the total number of people they've impacted (engagement).

Instagram fame

A good example of the different levels of fame on Instagram can be seen with Liz Eswein, who has 1.3 million followers, and Aimee Song, who has 4.6 million followers.

Although both are Instagram famous in their own rights, Aimee is more famous because she has more followers and a far greater engagement reach.

The point I'm trying to make with these case studies is that one can have 100k followers and be Instagram famous, while another person can have 30k followers and still be Instagram famous.

However, their levels of fame on the platform will be totally different.

How to get the followers you need to be Instagram famous

Whether you want to be a 30k-follower famous Instagrammer or a 100k-follower famous Instagrammer, you need a clearly defined strategy for gaining these followers.

For starters, you can buy Instagram followers (as many as you want) at the beginning of your profile campaign. And then build your account organically afterward through strategies like quality posts, hash tagging, Instagram Stories, influencer marketing, Alt texting, etc.

To further boost the reach of your posts, you may want to buy Instagram views or buy Instagram likes.

What are Instagram famous people called?

Once you have above and beyond the minimum threshold of 30k followers, you're already a famous Instagrammer in your rights.

And as a result of that, you can be called "an influencer."

However, the type of influencer you'll be will depend on the number of followers that you have.


Micro-influencers are those famous Instagram users who have between 10k and 50k followers.

However, in the UK, people with this number of followers are sometimes not regarded as micro-influencers because according to the Advertising Standards Authority in the United Kingdom, you need to have at least 30,000 followers before you can attain this status

Should You Buy Instagram Followers?

Earlier in this post, I recommended buying followers at the beginning of your campaign for followers.

And I'm sure you were wondering whether that is a good thing to do.

Guess what?

It really is!

The truth is that when you buy followers, you get more attention because Instagramming is a game of numbers. And users look at the numbers of follower's people have before deciding whether to relate with them or not.

Another advantage of buying Instagram followers is that the purchased followers can eventually turn out to be real followers.

Provided you post engaging content that interests them!

The chances of your bought followers turning out to be real followers are even heightened when you buy your followers from a reputable provider like Social-Viral.

This is because Social-Viral doesn't just provide you with real human followers, they make sure the Instagram users they're sending your way are people who're relevant to your niche.

That is, people who are likely to fancy your type of content!

Achieving Major Influencer Status

Although the minimum threshold for fame on Instagram is 30k followers, you can't do no harm amassing close to or more than 100k followers.

In fact, if you want to achieve the status of a major influencer, then you have to boast as many as 100k followers.

By the time you gain up to 100k followers from just your activities on the platform, people will respect and regard you in the highest esteem because everyone understands how challenging it is to reach such numbers.

In most cases, the people who have over 100,000 followers are real-life celebrities, all of whom already had fame before coming to Instagram. The best examples of this include Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Kim Kardashian, Cristiano Ronaldo, Ariana Grande, and Selena Gomez.

So, for a random Instagram user like you and I to amass up to 100k followers for just our works on the platform is certainly not a small feat.

The Benefits of Instagram Fame

Instagram fame comes with a lot of benefits. The number one benefit is to make money as an influencer. If other companies or individuals in your niche wish to promote themselves or their products, then they might be willing to pay you to endorse what they're selling. You could make thousands of dollars by making one post on your Instagram page. That is the power an influencer holds.

Of course, the amount of money you can make as an influencer depends on how many followers you have. An influencer with 15,000 followers won't make nearly as much money as influencers with 100,000+ followers. A higher follower count usually means that an influencer charges more money for their promotional services. If you ever get that famous on Instagram, you can do the same thing.

There are lots of ways you can use your Instagram fame besides making money. For instance, if you want to spread a specific political message or offer advice and guidance to people, you can do that with a single post to your account. Sometimes the best influencers are people who don't ask for anything in return. All they do is offer their wisdom and hope others will listen to them.


The term "Instagram famous" has different meanings for everyone. You'll know when you're Instagram famous because you won't have to try as hard to get followers. You'll do far fewer promotions and continue to see your follower count rise. That is a clear sign of having Instagram fame. You should start to notice this happen slowly after you reach 10,000 followers.

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How Many Followers On Instagram To Be Famous


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